Frozen Chocolate-Covered Banana Pops


  • 6 ripe bananas, cut ends and then in half

  • 2, 2.64oz Beyond Good 80% Pure Dark Chocolate Bar

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

  • Toppings: freeze-dried raspberries (or substitute freeze-dried strawberries), and flaked sea salt (optional)


  • Line a baking sheet or a large plate with parchment paper.

  • Cut the peeled banana ends and in half.

  • Insert a popsicle stick into the cut-side of the banana and place the banana on the prepared sheet. Repeat with remaining bananas and transfer to the freezer for about 15 minutes.

  • Chop the chocolate bars into pieces and transfer the chocolate to a small saucepan with one tablespoon coconut oil. Melt the chocolate over medium heat by stirring constantly. Transfer melted chocolate into a skinny cup.

  • Remove the bananas from the freezer and take one banana at a time to dip it into the melted chocolate, ensuring that the bananas are covered in chocolate. Place the chocolate-dipped bananas back on the prepared sheet.

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of freeze-dried raspberries (or strawberries) on top. If desired, add a pinch of flaked sea salt on top.

  • Transfer the bananas back to the freezer for about 1 hour before enjoying.

  • Store leftovers in a freezer-friendly container for up to one week. Soften the bananas in the refrigerator for about 15-minutes before enjoying.

Shawnna Hall-Enoch